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September Update - Travel, Conference and Pitch.

The wait was finally over!

I had spent much of my time in the last few weeks learning about how to present the perfect cold pitch for the conference I was going to attend. I read innumerable blog posts, watched every video I could find on the subject, attended the appropriate web-training events. I even asked the authors via email or Facebook what experiences they could share. Oh how my nerves were on edge. Although I had researched the best I could I still wasn't sure how it would really go. I had to have faith in my story and present a confident front. But that is not all that happened on the third weekend in September 2017.

Perth monopoly at the Nix house

First of all I had to make my way to the city, four and a half hours later I made it to my brothers house. I had a chance to play with my niece and nephew, enjoy some pizza for tea and catch some Pokemon. After the kids had gone to bed it was time for a monopoly game that was all in my favour. If only monopoly money was real... Even with my missing out one free parking several times, I was owning that board. Until midnight when I had to call pumpkin time because of my big day in the morrow...


I made it to the Rockingham writers conference a little early with an open mind, a notepad and pen. I was ready to learn and grow as a writer; I was not disappointed. Walking into a room of like minded people is always going to fill you with inspiration. The path to writing is different for everyone, spare time for the art can be found in the most interesting places. Consistency is the key, forming a habit that eases people into the mood for daily writing tasks.

There was an amazing selection of talks to choose from but I could only attend four. I went to a talk presented by Loretta hill about Character and Plot. I bought her book (The Girl in Steel-Capped Boots) and have added it to my 'TBR' List. Then I listened to a talk from UWA publishing veteran Terri-Anne White. She spoke about what a publisher expects in a pitch, what happens once a book has been accepted and the costs involved. It opened my eyes to some of the intricacies that I hadn't really put any thought into. Then I attended and Author Panel - Writing the Dream. The different journeys some of these writers have slogged through is amazing, I also have that book added to my 'TBR' list. The last talk was from literary agent Alex Adsett. Alex spoke about what an agent does for a writer and that is is a choice to have one in our great country, but not so much in others.

I went for my Pitch half way through the second talk. I knew what I wanted from the pitch and I had my palm cards at the ready. I started off honestly letting her know that this was my first time to which she told me it was just like having a chat. We had seven minutes to see if she was interested in what I was selling. The first book in the finding Elara Series. Near the end she said that she like the world building and wants to see more. I told her that I was still editing the story but she said that is ok, just finish it, have it read by peers, when I am ready, send through the first 50 pages and a one page synopsis. That was the golden ticket. I was so much more relaxed for the rest of the day!

I was so glad to attend the day at the conference, but that was only the start of the weekend. I had to then drive to Green Head to meet with my family. Five hours later, I arrived to share a cup of tea with my husband and friends. They were all so excited, knowing how important it was to me. I then spent the rest of the weekend in Green head enjoying the scenery.

looking out over the hills

I returned Monday evening; intent on working through my manuscript to that it is ready to send off. I am still diligently working through it now, a couple of weeks later.

I don't know how long exactly it is all going to take, but I know where to send it when it is done and that gives me something to look forward to.

Do you have anything exciting to share? Have you had a win with something you are passionate about?

Always move forward,




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