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A year of change

As another year begin to fade into memory we try to remember what we have achieved and what we have lost. It is a time to be thankful for all the help and guidance that have brought us where we are today. The people that have flowed in and out of our lives are each a blessing in their own way.

Westonia 2018 Swimming Lessons

The end of the year is slowly approaching like walking through jelly in this heat. I will keep this short as it is incredibly hot in my office and I have the kids asking me to go to the pool with them. Who am I to complain when there is a need?

As this is my last update for 2018 there are a few things that I wanted to say before ending the year.

Firtsly- Thank you.

Thank you for subscribing and sticking with me through all my ups and downs of 2018. As a creative I rely on building my platform and growing an audience. I appreciate the time that people have taken to read my emails and reach out to me through replying to my emails, facebook and twitter. I try to keep things interesting for you and welcome any suggestions.

Secondly- Thank you for listening to the show.

The podcast has been huge for me and I couldn't have done it without the support from close family and friends. They have to put up with my late nights in the office while I finish editing each show and early morning interviews.

5 Writing Milestones of 2018

(Because 5 is my favourite Number)

1.Finishing the First book in my Elara Series.

2.Going to the Romance Writers of Australia Conference in Sydney.

3. Submitting My manuscript to an agent.

4. Starting the 'Finding Elara' podcast.

5. I finished my transformation tale for Nano. (There was dragons)

Book Raffle

If you like free books then I am holding a raffle with fellow fairytale enthusiast Carole Weave Lane I have added the lin below. There are a few options to enter when you click the link below. The link for the competition is here

I really enjoyed talking to Carole Weave Lane about her stories the other day so we are going to do another competition with rafflecopter. If any part of you has ever loved fairytales then you will love this episode.

I have a few things planned for nest year already but I don't want to share them until I can sit down with my accountability partner aka: hubby to nut out the how to's.

I have sat down and thought about the power method and have pages of ideas but I want to make sure that they are realistic.

I recently read this article by Pauline Wiles about 7 nurturing end of year activities (Click here) and i have seen a few times that it is helpful to have a mantra for the year. So while looking into it further I have a few that I can choose from and it is hard to settle on 1. I am thinking Consistency, Escalate/expand, Flourish, Inspire, Progress, Understand... and there are so many more to choose from. I will have to decide by the end of the month.

Thank you again for your support throughout 2018.

Until next time.



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