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Fun- Loving February

Hi Guys!

I was away for most of January visiting family and running around after my cherubs. It was good to get away. I had my laptop with me the entire time, working when I had some time to spare. February surprised me a little when it crept in with little fanfare. The podcast didn't miss a beat though which is a good thing.

2019 episodes so far....


#15 Carole Weave-Lane Interview

The first episode of the year was with Carole Weave-Lane

I met Carole through the Australian Fairytale Society so naturally we talked about where her fascination with Fairy tales began. She has wealth of experience and an interesting backstory that has fueled her tales.

#16 Defining Success for 2019 goals

I was thinking about setting goals for the year ahead and I knew that it would not be easy if I didn't know what success was. Like What Derek Doepker said in episode 13, I need to be sure that I have a purpose.

#17 Cassie Laelyn Interview

Cassie's debut novel Unforsaken is a paranormal romance that includes angels and fate herself. The world that she created for her story to live in is highly immersive and different. I loved our talk! I walked away feeling inspired to write my own stories.

#18 Mindful Rejection Tips

After finally hearing back from the agent I had submitted to; at this point I was not surprised it was not positive. I had prepared myself for the no, but it still hit me in the gut. So I thought I would share some tips I had learned to overcome this small hurdle.

#19 Frank Over Artists Journey

Frank is an eclectic artist, not only creating art by traditional means but also stretching the boundaries. As a nonagenarian (someone in their nineties) he has many tales to tell.

February so far

#20 Writing Routine Tips

With the return of school there is also the return of some form of routine, in theory. I talk about some tips that I have found helpful in the past to help with writing mindset.

#21 Craig Hanretty Dungeons and Dragons

Most people have heard about Dungeons and dragons before but few really know what it is all about. Craig breaks it down for us, explaining the basics of this highly immersive form of storytelling that has many in this world hooked.

Looking at that list, It has been a pretty strong start to the year!

Going forward I have many plans for my writing and the show that I am confident will help me move my writing forward.

I know that I was planning on sending out more frequent emails, my monthly update and then one for each of the interview episodes but I fell behind and this is me catching up.

I will do my best to stick to my plan going forward though.


I love February.

For me personally it is the month that I celebrate my wedding anniversary and this year it was 13 years. It is quite an achievement and rather hard to believe. It doesn't actually feel like we have been together that long, let alone married. We stayed home and played games, watched movies treated each other with special food. We know what we both enjoy and it is our differences that make things interesting. We talked about our past and our future plans, just the two of us.

The kids go back to school and I try my best to fall in to some form of routine. Sometimes I don't fall on my feet though! I have always been more of a dog person than a cat person. Saying you want to do something is different than actually completing the tasks as planned. Habits take a long time to build and the bad ones also take a long time to break.

I am creating a lead magnet story at the moment, and as soon as it is ready I will be sure to let you know how to get your copy. It is an exciting time to be a writer in this world of mass consumption. I am working with the different shades of light when it comes to love in the world I created for this story.


If you like what I am doing here, then please let me know what you think. Simply reply to this email and let me know what is going on with you. How are you going with your plans for 2019? Are you keeping up to date or has it been a struggle?



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